136 lines
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136 lines
5.6 KiB
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/* Generated by `npm run build`, do not edit! */
"use strict"
var acorn = require("acorn")
if (false) {
throw new Error(("acorn-private-class-elements requires acorn@^6.1.0, not " + (acorn.version)))
var tt = acorn.tokTypes
var TokenType = acorn.TokenType
module.exports = function(Parser) {
// Only load this plugin once.
if (Parser.prototype.parsePrivateName) {
return Parser
// Make sure `Parser` comes from the same acorn as our `tt`,
// otherwise the comparisons fail.
var cur = Parser
while (cur && cur !== acorn.Parser) {
cur = cur.__proto__
if (cur !== acorn.Parser) {
throw new Error("acorn-private-class-elements does not support mixing different acorn copies")
Parser = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Parser) {
function Parser_ () {
Parser.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Parser ) Parser_.__proto__ = Parser;
Parser_.prototype = Object.create( Parser && Parser.prototype );
Parser_.prototype.constructor = Parser_;
Parser_.prototype._branch = function _branch () {
this.__branch = this.__branch || new Parser({ecmaVersion: this.options.ecmaVersion}, this.input)
this.__branch.end = this.end
this.__branch.pos = this.pos
this.__branch.type = this.type
this.__branch.value = this.value
this.__branch.containsEsc = this.containsEsc
return this.__branch
Parser_.prototype.parsePrivateClassElementName = function parsePrivateClassElementName (element) {
element.computed = false
element.key = this.parsePrivateName()
if (element.key.name == "constructor") { this.raise(element.key.start, "Classes may not have a private element named constructor") }
var accept = {get: "set", set: "get"}[element.kind]
var privateBoundNames = this._privateBoundNamesStack[this._privateBoundNamesStack.length - 1]
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(privateBoundNames, element.key.name) && privateBoundNames[element.key.name] !== accept) {
this.raise(element.start, "Duplicate private element")
privateBoundNames[element.key.name] = element.kind || true
delete this._unresolvedPrivateNamesStack[this._unresolvedPrivateNamesStack.length - 1][element.key.name]
return element.key
Parser_.prototype.parsePrivateName = function parsePrivateName () {
var node = this.startNode()
node.name = this.value
this.finishNode(node, "PrivateName")
if (this.options.allowReserved == "never") { this.checkUnreserved(node) }
return node
// Parse # token
Parser_.prototype.getTokenFromCode = function getTokenFromCode (code) {
if (code === 35) {
var word = this.readWord1()
return this.finishToken(this.privateNameToken, word)
return Parser.prototype.getTokenFromCode.call(this, code)
// Manage stacks and check for undeclared private names
Parser_.prototype.parseClass = function parseClass (node, isStatement) {
this._privateBoundNamesStack = this._privateBoundNamesStack || []
var privateBoundNames = Object.create(this._privateBoundNamesStack[this._privateBoundNamesStack.length - 1] || null)
this._unresolvedPrivateNamesStack = this._unresolvedPrivateNamesStack || []
var unresolvedPrivateNames = Object.create(null)
var _return = Parser.prototype.parseClass.call(this, node, isStatement)
if (!this._unresolvedPrivateNamesStack.length) {
var names = Object.keys(unresolvedPrivateNames)
if (names.length) {
names.sort(function (n1, n2) { return unresolvedPrivateNames[n1] - unresolvedPrivateNames[n2]; })
this.raise(unresolvedPrivateNames[names[0]], "Usage of undeclared private name")
} else { Object.assign(this._unresolvedPrivateNamesStack[this._unresolvedPrivateNamesStack.length - 1], unresolvedPrivateNames) }
return _return
// Parse private element access
Parser_.prototype.parseSubscript = function parseSubscript (base, startPos, startLoc, noCalls, maybeAsyncArrow) {
if (!this.eat(tt.dot)) {
return Parser.prototype.parseSubscript.call(this, base, startPos, startLoc, noCalls, maybeAsyncArrow)
var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc)
node.object = base
node.computed = false
if (this.type == this.privateNameToken) {
node.property = this.parsePrivateName()
if (!this._privateBoundNamesStack.length || !this._privateBoundNamesStack[this._privateBoundNamesStack.length - 1][node.property.name]) {
this._unresolvedPrivateNamesStack[this._unresolvedPrivateNamesStack.length - 1][node.property.name] = node.property.start
} else {
node.property = this.parseIdent(true)
return this.finishNode(node, "MemberExpression")
// Prohibit delete of private class elements
Parser_.prototype.parseMaybeUnary = function parseMaybeUnary (refDestructuringErrors, sawUnary) {
var _return = Parser.prototype.parseMaybeUnary.call(this, refDestructuringErrors, sawUnary)
if (_return.operator == "delete") {
if (_return.argument.type == "MemberExpression" && _return.argument.property.type == "PrivateName") {
this.raise(_return.start, "Private elements may not be deleted")
return _return
return Parser_;
Parser.prototype.privateNameToken = new TokenType("privateName")
return Parser