// Type definitions for thenBy // Definitions by: Teun Duynstee (with significant help from @HonoluluHenk) type SortOrder = "asc" | "desc" | -1 | 1; declare class opt { direction?:SortOrder; ignoreCase?:boolean; } declare class typedOpt extends opt { cmp?: (a:T, b:T)=> number; } interface IThenBy { (v1: T, v2: T) : number; /** * Full format to compare two elements and determine which sorts first. * @param compare function that receives two values from the sorted array and returns a number indicating which comes first: < 0: first comes first, 0: doesn't matter, > 0: second comes first. * @param direction can be used to reverse the sorting by passing -1 **/ thenBy(compare: ((v1: T, v2: T) => number), direction?: SortOrder | opt): IThenBy; /** * Shorthand for selecting a value to sort on from the sorted element. * @param select function that receives a value from the sorted array and selects the thing to sort on * @param direction reverse by passing -1. opt for other options **/ thenBy(select: ((v: T) => U), direction?: SortOrder | typedOpt): IThenBy; /** * Shorthand for sorting on a simple property. * @param byPropertyName is the name of the property to sort on as a string * @param direction reverse by passing -1. opt for other options **/ thenBy(byPropertyName: (keyof T), direction?: SortOrder | typedOpt): IThenBy; } declare module "thenby" { /** * Full format to compare two elements and determine which sorts first. * @param compare function that receives two values from the sorted array and returns a number indicating which comes first: < 0: first comes first, 0: doesn't matter, > 0: second comes first. * @param direction can be used to reverse the sorting by passing -1 **/ export function firstBy(compare: ((v1: T, v2: T) => number), direction?: SortOrder | opt): IThenBy; /** * Shorthand for selecting a value to sort on from the sorted element. * @param select function that receives a value from the sorted array and selects the thing to sort on * @param direction reverse by passing -1. opt for other options **/ export function firstBy(select: ((v: T) => U), direction?: SortOrder | typedOpt): IThenBy; /** * Shorthand for sorting on a simple property. * @param byPropertyName is the name of the property to sort on as a string * @param direction reverse by passing -1. opt for other options **/ export function firstBy(byPropertyName: (keyof T), direction?: SortOrder | typedOpt): IThenBy; }