/* Generated by `npm run build`, do not edit! */ "use strict" var skipWhiteSpace = /(?:\s|\/\/.*|\/\*[^]*?\*\/)*/g var acorn = require("acorn") var tt = acorn.tokTypes function maybeParseFieldValue(field) { if (this.eat(tt.eq)) { var oldInFieldValue = this._inStaticFieldValue this._inStaticFieldValue = true field.value = this.parseExpression() this._inStaticFieldValue = oldInFieldValue } else { field.value = null } } var privateClassElements = require("../private-class-elements") module.exports = function(Parser) { var ExtendedParser = privateClassElements(Parser) return /*@__PURE__*/(function (ExtendedParser) { function anonymous () { ExtendedParser.apply(this, arguments); } if ( ExtendedParser ) anonymous.__proto__ = ExtendedParser; anonymous.prototype = Object.create( ExtendedParser && ExtendedParser.prototype ); anonymous.prototype.constructor = anonymous; anonymous.prototype.parseClassElement = function parseClassElement (_constructorAllowsSuper) { var this$1 = this; if (this.eat(tt.semi)) { return null } var node = this.startNode() var tryContextual = function (k, noLineBreak) { if (typeof noLineBreak == "undefined") { noLineBreak = false } var start = this$1.start, startLoc = this$1.startLoc if (!this$1.eatContextual(k)) { return false } if (this$1.type !== tt.parenL && (!noLineBreak || !this$1.canInsertSemicolon())) { return true } if (node.key) { this$1.unexpected() } node.computed = false node.key = this$1.startNodeAt(start, startLoc) node.key.name = k this$1.finishNode(node.key, "Identifier") return false } node.static = tryContextual("static") if (!node.static) { return ExtendedParser.prototype.parseClassElement.apply(this, arguments) } var isGenerator = this.eat(tt.star) var isAsync = false if (!isGenerator) { // Special-case for `async`, since `parseClassMember` currently looks // for `(` to determine whether `async` is a method name if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && this.isContextual("async")) { skipWhiteSpace.lastIndex = this.pos var skip = skipWhiteSpace.exec(this.input) var next = this.input.charAt(this.pos + skip[0].length) if (next === ";" || next === "=") { node.key = this.parseIdent(true) node.computed = false maybeParseFieldValue.call(this, node) this.finishNode(node, "FieldDefinition") this.semicolon() return node } else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && tryContextual("async", true)) { isAsync = true isGenerator = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9 && this.eat(tt.star) } } else if (tryContextual("get")) { node.kind = "get" } else if (tryContextual("set")) { node.kind = "set" } } if (this.type === this.privateNameToken) { this.parsePrivateClassElementName(node) if (this.type !== tt.parenL) { if (node.key.name === "prototype") { this.raise(node.key.start, "Classes may not have a private static property named prototype") } maybeParseFieldValue.call(this, node) this.finishNode(node, "FieldDefinition") this.semicolon() return node } } else if (!node.key) { this.parsePropertyName(node) if ((node.key.name || node.key.value) === "prototype" && !node.computed) { this.raise(node.key.start, "Classes may not have a static property named prototype") } } if (!node.kind) { node.kind = "method" } this.parseClassMethod(node, isGenerator, isAsync) if (!node.kind && (node.key.name || node.key.value) === "constructor" && !node.computed) { this.raise(node.key.start, "Classes may not have a static field named constructor") } if (node.kind === "get" && node.value.params.length !== 0) { this.raiseRecoverable(node.value.start, "getter should have no params") } if (node.kind === "set" && node.value.params.length !== 1) { this.raiseRecoverable(node.value.start, "setter should have exactly one param") } if (node.kind === "set" && node.value.params[0].type === "RestElement") { this.raiseRecoverable(node.value.params[0].start, "Setter cannot use rest params") } return node }; // Parse public static fields anonymous.prototype.parseClassMethod = function parseClassMethod (method, isGenerator, isAsync, _allowsDirectSuper) { if (isGenerator || isAsync || method.kind != "method" || !method.static || this.options.ecmaVersion < 8 || this.type == tt.parenL) { return ExtendedParser.prototype.parseClassMethod.apply(this, arguments) } maybeParseFieldValue.call(this, method) delete method.kind method = this.finishNode(method, "FieldDefinition") this.semicolon() return method }; // Prohibit arguments in class field initializers anonymous.prototype.parseIdent = function parseIdent (liberal, isBinding) { var ident = ExtendedParser.prototype.parseIdent.call(this, liberal, isBinding) if (this._inStaticFieldValue && ident.name == "arguments") { this.raise(ident.start, "A static class field initializer may not contain arguments") } return ident }; return anonymous; }(ExtendedParser)) }