"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.epilogue = void 0; // Add new examples here. // Always start with `$ $0` so that it a) symbolizes a command line; and b) $0 gets replaced by the binary name uniformly. const examples = [ { description: 'Output nothing more than stdout+stderr of child processes', example: '$ $0 --raw "npm run watch-less" "npm run watch-js"', }, { description: 'Normal output but without colors e.g. when logging to file', example: '$ $0 --no-color "grunt watch" "http-server" > log', }, { description: 'Custom prefix', example: '$ $0 --prefix "{time}-{pid}" "npm run watch" "http-server"', }, { description: 'Custom names and colored prefixes', example: '$ $0 --names "HTTP,WATCH" -c "bgBlue.bold,bgMagenta.bold" "http-server" "npm run watch"', }, { description: 'Configuring via environment variables with CONCURRENTLY_ prefix', example: '$ CONCURRENTLY_RAW=true CONCURRENTLY_KILL_OTHERS=true $0 "echo hello" "echo world"', }, { description: 'Send input to default', example: [ '$ $0 --handle-input "nodemon" "npm run watch-js"', 'rs # Sends rs command to nodemon process', ].join('\n'), }, { description: 'Send input to specific child identified by index', example: ['$ $0 --handle-input "npm run watch-js" nodemon', '1:rs'].join('\n'), }, { description: 'Send input to specific child identified by name', example: ['$ $0 --handle-input -n js,srv "npm run watch-js" nodemon', 'srv:rs'].join('\n'), }, { description: 'Shortened NPM run commands', example: '$ $0 npm:watch-node npm:watch-js npm:watch-css', }, { description: 'Shortened NPM run command with wildcard (make sure to wrap it in quotes!)', example: '$ $0 "npm:watch-*"', }, { description: 'Exclude patterns so that between "lint:js" and "lint:fix:js", only "lint:js" is ran', example: '$ $0 "npm:*(!fix)"', }, { description: "Passthrough some additional arguments via '{}' placeholder", example: '$ $0 -P "echo {1}" -- foo', }, { description: "Passthrough all additional arguments via '{@}' placeholder", example: '$ $0 -P "npm:dev-* -- {@}" -- --watch --noEmit', }, { description: "Passthrough all additional arguments combined via '{*}' placeholder", example: '$ $0 -P "npm:dev-* -- {*}" -- --watch --noEmit', }, ]; const examplesString = examples .map(({ example, description }) => [ ` - ${description}`, example .split('\n') .map((line) => ` ${line}`) .join('\n'), ].join('\n\n')) .join('\n\n'); exports.epilogue = ` Examples: ${examplesString} For more details, visit https://github.com/open-cli-tools/concurrently `;