import Result, { Message, ResultOptions } from './result.js' import { SourceMap } from './postcss.js' import Processor from './processor.js' import Warning from './warning.js' import Root from './root.js' import LazyResult from './lazy-result.js' /** * A Promise proxy for the result of PostCSS transformations. * This lazy result instance doesn't parse css unless `NoWorkResult#root` or `Result#root` * are accessed. See the example below for details. * A `NoWork` instance is returned by `Processor#process` ONLY when no plugins defined. * * ```js * const noWorkResult = postcss().process(css) // No plugins are defined. * // CSS is not parsed * let root = noWorkResult.root // now css is parsed because we accessed the root * ``` */ export default class NoWorkResult implements LazyResult { then: Promise<Result>['then'] catch: Promise<Result>['catch'] finally: Promise<Result>['finally'] constructor(processor: Processor, css: string, opts: ResultOptions) get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string get processor(): Processor get opts(): ResultOptions get css(): string get content(): string get map(): SourceMap get root(): Root get messages(): Message[] warnings(): Warning[] toString(): string sync(): Result async(): Promise<Result> }