{{- $respSizes := slice "300" "450" "600" "750" "900" "1050" "1200" "1350" "1500" -}}
	These are breakpoints, in pixels.
	Adjust these to fit your use cases.
	Obviously, the more breakpoints,
	the more images you'll be producing.
	(Fortunately, Hugo does that
	**really** fast, as you'd expect,
	but watch out for any storage
	issues this can present either
	locally or in your online repo,
	especially if you have a really
	large number of original images.)
{{- $imgBase := "images/" -}}
	This will be from top-level `assets/images`,
	where we'll keep all images for Hugo's
	processing (this makes them "global
	resources," as noted in the documentation).
{{- $src := resources.Get (printf "%s%s" $imgBase (.Get "src")) -}}
{{- $alt := .Get "alt" -}}
{{- $divClass := "" -}}{{/* Init'g */}}
	The styling in $imgClass, below, makes
	an image fill the container horizontally
	and adjust its height automatically
	for that, and then fade in for the LQIP effect.
	Feel free to adjust your CSS/SCSS as desired.
{{- $imgClass := "w-full h-auto animate-fade" -}}
{{- $dataSzes := "(min-width: 1024px) 100vw, 50vw" -}}
	Now we'll create the 20-pixel-wide LQIP
	and turn it into Base64-encoded data, which
	is better for performance and caching.
{{- $LQIP_img := $src.Resize "20x jpg" -}}
{{- $LQIP_b64 := $LQIP_img.Content | base64Encode -}}
	$CFPstyle is for use in styling
	the div's background, as you'll see shortly.
{{- $CFPstyle := printf "%s%s%s" "background: url(data:image/jpeg;base64," $LQIP_b64 "); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat;" -}}
	Then, we create a 600-pixel-wide JPG
	of the image. This will serve as the
	"fallback" image for that tiny percentage
	of browsers that don't understand the
	HTML `picture` tag.
{{- $actualImg := $src.Resize "600x jpg" -}}
	Now we'll handle the LQIP background for the
	div that will contain the image content; the
	conditional at the top controls whether we're
	doing inline styling --- which is a no-no for
	a tight Content Security Policy (CSP). Here,
	it checks whether the host, as specified in the
	site config file, is Cloudflare Pages (where I
	use a Cloudflare Worker for that tight CSP).
	If so, it creates a new CSS/SCSS class, named
	with an md5 hash for the value of $src, that
	the div can use to provide the LQIP background.
	Otherwise, it inserts inline styling.
	**THEREFORE** . . .
	If you don't have a problem with inline styling,
	feel free to use only the second option and
	avoid the conditional altogether.
{{- $imgBd5 := md5 $src -}}
{{- if eq .Site.Params.Host "CFP" -}}
    .imgB- {

                $CFPstyle | safeCSS
<div class="relative imgB-{{ $imgBd5 }} bg-center">
    {{- else -}}
    <div class="relative bg-center" style="{{ $CFPstyle | safeCSS }}">
        {{- end -}}
	Now we'll build the `picture` which modern
	browsers use to decide which image, and
	which format thereof, to show. Remember to
	put `webp` first, since the browser will use
	the first format it **can** use, and WebP files
	usually are smaller. After WebP, the fallback
	is the universally safe JPG format.
            <source type="image/webp" srcset="
			{{- with $respSizes -}}
				{{- range $i, $e := . -}}
					{{- if ge $src.Width . -}}
						{{- if $i }}, {{ end -}}{{- ($src.Resize (printf "%sx%s" . " webp") ).RelPermalink }} {{ . }}w
					{{- end -}}
				{{- end -}}
			{{- end -}}" sizes="{{ $dataSzes }}" />
            <source type="image/jpeg" srcset="
			{{- with $respSizes -}}
				{{- range $i, $e := . -}}
					{{- if ge $src.Width . -}}
						{{- if $i }}, {{ end -}}{{- ($src.Resize (printf "%sx%s" . " jpg") ).RelPermalink }} {{ . }}w
					{{- end -}}
				{{- end -}}
			{{- end -}}" \ sizes="{{ $dataSzes }}" />
            <img class="{{ $imgClass }}" src="{{ $actualImg.RelPermalink }}" width="{{ $src.Width }}"
                height="{{ $src.Height }}" alt="{{ $alt }}" loading="lazy" />