prose = "Prose" about = "About" home = "Home" become-a-member = "Become a member" documents = "Documents" catergories = "Categories" dropdown = "Dropdown" blog = "Blog" contact = "Contact" appearance = "Appearance" comments = "Comments" analytics = "Analytics" basicInfo = "This is basic information about NewPipe e.V." learn_more = "Learn more" forename = "Forename" surname = "Surname" email = "Email" moto = "Supporting privacy and open source software" index_description = "NewPipe e.V. is a non-profit organization which support technology (especially free and open source one), which enables using digital media and improves access to it." index_about = "About us" index_about_text = "Do you want to learn more about us? Press here:" index_member = "Become a member" index_member_text = "Do you want to become a member? Press here:" block_header = "From the blog" block_description = "Here you can read about recent news regarding our association." email_header = "Stay Up to Date" email_description = "If you want to receive an email when we publish a new blog post, you can subscribe here." email_button = "Subscribe" association = "Association" board = "Board" treasurer = "treasurer" secretary = "secretary" [wordCount] other = "{{ .WordCount }} words"