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<h2>2nd plenum</h2>
Today we had our second plenum meeting. The full protocol can be found <a href="../assets/documents/2024-02-10_plenum_protocol.pdf">here</a>.
This meeting was held primarily to approve the following changes to the Articles of Association (aka statute):
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The Privacy Policy is no longer part of the statute, so it can be written in English only and in the future can be changed by an assembly without having to go to the notar.
The wording related to the cash auditor was improved to be gender neutral in the German version.
Paragraphs 9 (internationalized documents) and 10 (cash auditor) were swapped, to clarify that the documents from the auditor are also part of the internationalization.
The paragraph about internationalization was reworded to add more examples of pertaining documents.
After the meeting the board submitted the amendments to the notary, who confirmed the validity of the changes and applied them in the German register of associations.
The assembly also discussed whether to only allow receiving payments via SEPA, since foreign bank transfers often mean in additional charges. It was informally agreed to allow international transfers with the option OUR, where the remitter bears the costs of the transfer. This change, however, will be discussed again in another plenum meeting.
Schabi explained that he would like to work on NewPipe as part of joining the WTF e.G., in which case the NewPipe e.V. may pay WTF e.G. instead of him directly, which would be simpler tax-wise. Any decision is however postponed to another meeting.
Finally, TheAssassin reported that work on the e.V. IT services is progressing slowly but steadily.
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