Also replaced my picture and moved the board members to their pseudonyms And added the protocols
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<h2>Join our association!</h2>
Members of the association get voting rights in the plenum meetings, and bragging rights among their friends (or foes).
Please read through our <a href="about.html">About</a> page to learn more. Also, read our statute linked there to make sure we are a good fit for your patronage.
Every natural person can become a member! If you are underage, we need confirmation from your legal guardians. The regular fee is 24 EUR per year, while the reduced fee is 12 EUR. Individual-specific member fees can be requested.
Every other entity can become a supporting member. Supporting members pay a yearly fee of 120 EUR, do not get active or passive suffrage, and have to appoint a natural person to act on their behalf.
To join the association, please fill out this <a href="https://cloud.newpipe-ev.de/s/PYLcQfOAubZYcku">signup form</a>. If you choose the SEPA mandate, fill <a href="https://cloud.newpipe-ev.de/s/PYLcQfOAubZYcku">that out</a> as well, and then mail these forms to <a href="mailto:newpipe-ev@mailbox.org?subject=New membership application">the board</a>. We hope to hear from you!
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