2024-05-02 15:21:16 +02:00

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Halcyonic by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
<title>NewPipe e.V.</title>
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<h3>Credit where credit is due.</h3>
This website was built using the <a href="">Halcyonic site template.</a>
This template was published under <a href="">CC By 3.0</a>
by <a href="">AJ</a>. We are very thankful to them for doing this; the website would look much uglier without it.
We also use pictures here. We got them from <a href="">Unsplash</a>, and they are used under the <a href="">Unsplash license</a>.
To be more specific, we have <a href="">nametag</a> by <a href="">Jon Tyson</a>,
<a href="">Minimalist boardroom</a> by <a href="">Benjamin Child</a> and
<a href="">Hello</a> by <a href="">Tim Mossholder</a>
(<a href="">@timmossholder</a> on instagram).
Thank you all for providing these for everyone to use freely. You're awesome!
We also have <a href="">LeftPhoto.jpg</a> from <a href="">Weblate</a>, which is licensed under <a href="">GPLv3</a>
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