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<h2>2025 budget</h2>
<p>The <a href="../posts/2025-02-08_5th_plenum.html">5th plenum</a> devised a budget plan to spend approximately 39.300 EUR. This page gives an overview of our planned spendings.</p>
<img style="max-width:100%" src="2025.svg"/>
<li>With around 23.000 EUR, we plan to spend the more than half of our total budget on paid <strong>NewPipe</strong> development work. Additional money is dedicated to hardware for contributors, and for some inital UI / UX consulting to determine our needs more closely.</li>
<li>Taxes amount for most of our <strong>Operational Cost</strong>, as we are expecting to pay taxes for three years (2023, 2024, 2025) in the year of 2025. We also have to pay administrative fees to our notary and the registration court, and may need tax consultancy. Additionally, a percentage of the money that is given to us goes towards banking and transaction fees.</li>
<li>After attending <a href=https://fosdem.org/2025">FOSDEM</a> as a team was a great success, we have once again allocated some money for <strong>Conference</strong> participation (i. e. travel cost and accomodation) to meet at the open source conference <a href="https://froscon.org/">FrOSCon</a>, and also to spend some focused time together outside of conferences in an internal meetup.</li>
<li>Our <strong>Infrastructure</strong> is not only a running cost for our hosting providers, but also needs some improvements that we are hoping to acquire a paid contributor for in 2025.</li>
<li>Like last year, we are planning <strong>Donations</strong> towards <a href="../posts/2024-04-22_weblate_donation.html">Weblate</a>, the FOSDEM conference, and Liberapay. We also <a href="../posts/2025-02-20_thanks_luanrt.html">sent a symbolic contribution to LuanRT</a> to thank them for their work.</li>
<li>Finally, <strong>Merchandise</strong> is used as thank-you gifts for contributors, and as promotional material for our conference attendances.</li>
<p>For more details on these goals and the all-numbers budget plan, please refer to the <a href="../posts/2025-02-08_5th_plenum.html">5th plenum</a> <a href="../assets/documents/2025-02-08_plenum_protocol.pdf">protocol</a>.</p>
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