Who We Are

A non-profit association founded in Germany in 2022, mostly by TeamNewPipe members. Almost anyone can join us. Find out how here.
The association is governed directly by the members. At least once a year, a full assembly is held where the board presents the work that took place since the last assembly, and decisions for future work are voted upon.

What We Do

Per our statute, our organization has the following purposes:

  • Organize public informational events or congresses
  • Provide financial support to projects which develop digital media technology
  • Facilitate code contributions in accordance with our goals
  • Provide digital infrastructure for projects
  • Coordinate and help groups of volunteers which have the same goals

Our support

We are currently supporting these projects:


  • Hired part-time contractor
  • Communication and website infrastructure
  • Trademark registration

We also contributed financially to Weblate, Liberapay, FSFE and CiviCRM.

Your cause matches our goals and needs funding? Get in touch.